Tuesday, 22 November 2011

xmas card

xmas card made for a freind x


hiya everyone so sorry its been a while since i was last on my blog , so much as happend since, all good tho hehe xx im starting cardmaking again and realy enjoying it , new pics to follow xxx hugs kelly

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

great news

had some brill news today , im now part of the DT for dreamees, realy looking forward to making some new cards , will put picks up soon as i start them would like to thanks hayley and carol for giving me a chance to be part of the team , thanks both, it defanetly giving me a new look to cardmaking, as im 8 mths pregnant and dont get to do alot at the mo as im always in the house , this is defaneltly something to keep me busy got alot to look forward to new baby and also doin some new crafting stuff , thanks xxxx hugs kelly xxxx

Monday, 14 February 2011

valenties day card

valentines day card.

hi all been busy making a few cards to send off......

triple easle card made suing debbie moore cds.

side easel card made using debbie mooore cds.

made these 2 cards over the last few days, im very pleased with them, so i have me fingers crossed they will be liked xx

Sunday, 23 January 2011

looking for new crafty freinds and card swappers

hi all im looking for new crafty freinds who would like to do soe themed card swaps, please let me know , if interested please let me know leave a message xxxxxx

Saturday, 15 January 2011

hi and happy new yr

hi all havent been on my blog for a while, and havent done alot of crafting lately, but managed to make a couple of cards this week, which im so pleased about, im now 26 weeks pregnant today, and happy happy happy, hope you enjoy lookig at my new cards , hope to upload more very soon , hugs kelly xx